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One with greater merit rules

Those who possess greater merit have influence over those who possess less. People with little merit can hardly take care of themselves. They need to rely on the virtue of those who possess greater merit for support spiritually. With little merit, they are incapable of rising to a heavenly realm on their own. People with greater merit can help them by showing them how to do good deeds and acquire more merits. There are only a few people whose merit power is so great that they are able to help those who have already fallen into an unfortunate realm. Through the power of my merit, I was able to save my deceased father from the hell realm. But before I was in the position to do so, I had to meditate and purify my mind until all of my inner transcendental bodies became crystal clear. Achieving this state of purity, I was able to enter the lower world. I even searched for my deceased farm animals to spread merit to them.

November 22, 1981
